Brompton Gasworks
Remediation Information

Thank you for visiting the Brompton Gasworks remediation page.

We are committed to working with local stakeholders, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), the independent EPA environmental Auditor, City of Charles Sturt and other relevant authorities to safely remediate this site, providing a healthier environment for future communities to prosper.

To ensure the site is clean and safe for future communities to live, MAB and the EPA have entered into a voluntary Environmental Agreement outlining the required remediation works. MAB have appointed EnviroPacific to remediate the site as per the agreement.

We have launched this dedicated page to provide you with access to remediation information and answers to common questions that we hope will provide you with an understanding of the process that we are planning to undertake after the relevant approvals are obtained.

What is remediation and why does it need to take place?

Remediation is the treatment, removal, containment or management of chemical contaminants which may be present in soil, water and soil vapour. Each of these methods will be applied at the former gasworks – with the purpose being to remediate contamination and make it safe for proposed residential, open space and commercial development.

Who is remediating the site?

MAB has appointed Enviropacific as the remediation contractor and Senversa as the remediation consultant for the project. Both are highly experienced, industry leaders in the assessment and remediation of gasworks sites. The remediation works are highly legislated and as such, MAB and our remediation team will be independently audited by an appointed EPA accredited site contamination auditor.  

How long is the remediation going to take?

Remediation works are targeted for completion in November 2024. 

Will the remediation works be noisy and what will be done to minimise noise?

The main sources of noise during remediation are likely to be truck movements to and from site and on-site operation of heavy machinery (excavators, bulldozers, a water treatment plant and other equipment). Hours of work will generally be 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday. 

Remediation will be completed in a manner to minimise noise and will be in accordance with Council and EPA regulations. The measures proposed to reduce noise will be documented in a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and will include, but not be limited to, the following: completing activities with enclosed areas (where practicable), implementing traffic controls to minimise reversing alarms, erection of hoarding around the site boundaries and fitting equipment with noise attenuation devices.  

Will remediation works be odorous and create dust?

Contamination associated with gasworks sites can give off an odour with tar-like odours the most common. Soil excavation and truck movements have the potential to create dust.  One of the main sources of the odour arises from the removal of material from the tar well and former gasholders. We estimate that these works which are 70% complete will be finished towards the end of 2024.

To minimise the potential for generation of odours, remediation excavations and soil treatment activities will occur under strict controls. The on-site infrastructure – odour control enclosures (pictured below) – will protect the excavation and treatment areas and provide application of odour suppressing foams and maintenance of a boundary odour suppressant system.

Additional measures have been implemented to improve management and impact of odour and dust.

  • Increase in pressure to the boundary perimeter water misters, including a new proprietary odour suppressant to reduce off-site odours. 
  • Installation of odour suppressant spray curtains to the entry doors of the remediation tents to reduce odour. 
  • Increased application of encapsulating foam to our work areas to manage dust. 

The health and safety of the workers and local community is paramount, and we have extensive air quality monitoring and management procedures, including:

  • Real-time odour management data is received from four air quality stations across the site.
  • Live weather station data tracking the wind direction and speed assists in managing odour and dust control measures.
  • Continual boundary monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and dust with a live alert system.

Enviropacific has also engaged an odour specialist (Stephenson Environmental) to routinely audit and review if there are further viable controls to help suppress the presence of odour.

In addition to odour management, there continues to be a strict regime for dust control, with the use of water carts, soil binding agents, and suppressing sprays. We acknowledge that in windy or dry weather conditions, dust can increase from the site, and our alert system allows rapid deployment of additional measures. The dust does not contain gas or contaminants that could risk human health.

In addition to our community news updates, MAB regularly engages with our key partners and stakeholders, including Renewal SA, SA EPA and the City of Charles Sturt.

Will there be many trucks on local roads and how will you manage this?

The flow of trucks to and from the site will be managed by traffic plans and procedures prepared by accredited traffic control officers and be implemented to minimise impacts on local residents. Queuing of trucks will not be permitted on public roads and advance notifications will be issued to the community prior to works which may require a large number of truck movements. Vehicle access to the site will be via the Chief Street access gate. 

What happens if there is an accident/spill when transporting contaminants being removed from site?

Trucks used to transport contamination off-site will be licensed by EPA and disposed at EPA-approved and licensed facilities (e.g. treatment facilities and landfills). Drivers will be required to have an appropriate spill kit available at all times during transportation. Emergency control plans will be developed and maintained by the drivers in case a spill of the contamination occurs during transport.

How many workers will be employed on site and where will they park?

We anticipate that up to 20 workers will be involved in the various remediation activities on site at any one time. Parking will be provided for on site. There should be no need for on-street parking. Induction procedures for remediation works will reinforce these protocols.

If you have any further questions relating to remediation works at the Brompton Gasworks you can phone our enquiry line on 08 7095 8222 or fill out the form below.

// News

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | September 2024

Remediation works have progressed well since our last Community Update in August. Our contractor, Enviropacific, has achieved the following milestones: We are now in the final stages of soil remediation works commencing in the north-west corner of the site, with completion of works anticipated in Q4 2024. Removal of all in-ground tar wells is now […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | August 2024

We are pleased to share the positive progress made over the past two months with our contractor Enivropacific successfully completing the following project milestones: All tarwells have been removed from site with the final two in-ground tanks to be removed in September. Final preparations underway to relocate our sales office to its new location opposite […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | Notification of Works | August 2024

Notification of Works MAB and our contractor, Enviropacific, remain committed to continual improvement as we progress remediation works on-site. We are working closely with the independent auditor and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) SA to achieve the best possible outcomes for the community. In recent months we have explored further control measures to minimise odour, […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | June 2024

We are pleased to share the positive progress made since our last Community Update in May 2024. Our contractor, Enviropacific, has successfully completed the following project milestones: Four tarwells now completed with a further four in-ground structures (tarwells and fuel tanks) to be removed in the coming months. All tar containing structures to be remediated […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | May 2024

Remediation works remain on target with an estimated completion in Q4, 2024 and we are pleased to share that our contractor Enviropacfic has achieved the following key milestones: All gasholder structures remediated and removed. Three tarwells completed to date with a further five in-ground structures (tarwells and fuel tanks) to be removed in the coming […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | April 2024

In our March community news update we communicated the additional measures implemented to enhance the on-site monitoring and management of odour. The remediation contractor, Enviropacific has recently had the environmental management of air quality audited by an independent specialist consultant, EHS Assess as part of the quality control procedures in place. EHS Assess reported that […]

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