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Building for a brighter Future – PPHa and MAB come together for the Moorabbin Affordable Housing Project


Building for a brighter Future – PPHa and MAB come together for the Moorabbin Affordable Housing Project

Under the Commonwealth Government’s Nation Building Program to promote economic stimulus through infrastructure and project development, MAB Corporation has partnered with the Port Phillip Housing Association (PPHA) and Pellicano Builders to undertake MAB’s first ‘Affordable Housing’ project in South Road, Moorabbin.

With a total construction value of around $15M, the development comprises a mixture of one and two bedroom apartments – 75 in total, over 7 levels.

MAB worked closely with PPHA and Hayballs Architects to design and develop the project and has subsequently awarded the construction contract to Pellicano Builders.Pellicano commenced preliminary works on site in May this year and are expected to complete the project by June 2011.