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240 Uni Hill – new office suites selling fast


240 Uni Hill – new office suites selling fast

240 UNI HILL was launched to the market place in September 2010 and has been extremely well received. Demand for quality office space in Melbourne’s northern suburban office market has seen a massive 20% of project sales within an eight week timeframe.

This is proof again that University Hill is the number one office destination with owner occupiers securing many of these early sales.

240 UNI HILL is located at 240 Plenty Road, Bundoora which has direct access to Plenty Road and is only minutes from the Metropolitan Ring Road interchange and a few minutes walk to University Hill’s thriving Town Centre.

The 240 UNI HILL building has a ground floor cafe, fibre optic connection to each of the office suites and a new conference suite that can host up to 40 people complete with, audio visual equipment, lectern and conference furniture.

240 UNI HILL will comprise 35 office suites ranging from 47sqm with prices commencing at $211,500.

Call the sales team for more information:

  • Tim Grant – 0417 390 056
  • Todd Schaffer – 0409 090 855
  • Elise Robertson – 0407 864 319