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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | May 2024


Brompton Gasworks Community Update | May 2024

Remediation works remain on target with an estimated completion in Q4, 2024 and we are pleased to share that our contractor Enviropacfic has achieved the following key milestones:

  • All gasholder structures remediated and removed.
  • Three tarwells completed to date with a further five in-ground structures (tarwells and fuel tanks) to be removed in the coming months.
  • Successfully excavated, tested, classified and processed 42,396 cubic metres material from site.
  • All tar containing structures to be remediated and removed by Q3, 2024.

Works that are currently underway and about to commence include:

  • Odour Enclosure recently moved to commence remediation works in the area along Chief and Second Street.
  • Works to remediate and fill a further five tarwells/fuel tanks underway.
  • Commencement of ground water remediation to commence in June 2024.
  • Working with the independent odour specialist (Stephenson Enironmental) and our contractors to implement additional odour management controls including, continuous stack monitoring capability and background environmental odour assessments.

Community Information Session

On Wednesday 1 May an Information Session was held at Jarmer’s Kitchen. The session provided an opportunity to share more about remediation works progress to date including key milestones, delivery timeframes and insights from our remediation contractors Enviropacific and EHS Assess.

We were pleased that over 50 people took the opportunity to attend the Information Session from across the local community.