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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | June 2024

We are pleased to share the positive progress made since our last Community Update in May 2024. Our contractor, Enviropacific, has successfully completed the following project milestones: Four tarwells now completed with a further four in-ground structures (tarwells and fuel tanks) to be removed in the coming months. All tar containing structures to be remediated […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | May 2024

Remediation works remain on target with an estimated completion in Q4, 2024 and we are pleased to share that our contractor Enviropacfic has achieved the following key milestones: All gasholder structures remediated and removed. Three tarwells completed to date with a further five in-ground structures (tarwells and fuel tanks) to be removed in the coming […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | April 2024

In our March community news update we communicated the additional measures implemented to enhance the on-site monitoring and management of odour. The remediation contractor, Enviropacific has recently had the environmental management of air quality audited by an independent specialist consultant, EHS Assess as part of the quality control procedures in place. EHS Assess reported that […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | March 2024

We are pleased to advise all remediation works currently remain on target with estimated completion in November 2024. Remediation contractor Enviropacific (EPS) have completed the removal of one of the two large underground former gasholders and are now progressing works on the second gasholder. In accordance with the requirements of the Environment Protection Authority, we […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | November 2023

The project works have now been underway for three months and the remediation works are targeted for completion in November 2024. The works are being undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Independent Auditor and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). Since commencement, the focus of the Remediation Contractor, Enviropacific Services (EPS) has been the […]

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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | October 2023

On the 6th September, Brompton Gasworks reached an important milestone, receiving endorsement from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to commence on-site remediation. What works are happening on site? MAB’s contractor Enviropacific Services has commenced the following remediation works including; Removal of contaminated waste from the existing gasholders (as pictured above) Detailed excavation and removal of […]

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