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Full steam ahead for Princeton Rise – residential development in full swing


Full steam ahead for Princeton Rise – residential development in full swing

Princeton Rise is University Hill’s first house and land release. Constructed in two phases, the 55 townhouses were designed by award winning architects Interlandi Mantesso Architects.

Set in University Hill’s most prestigious location, with sweeping views towards the Yarra and Dandenong Ranges, particular attention has
been paid to creating attractive streetscapes and tastefully combining urban and natural environments.

MAB has sold all of the 55 houses, with a total development value of $29M.

Stage One comprises 27 houses. The foundations
were completed earlier this year and timber framing is underway. Construction is approaching the lock up stage.

The builder, ABD Group, is working to schedule and completion is on target for September.

Stage Two of Princeton Rise comprises the remaining 28 townhouses.

Maddison Projects, which is the boutique arm of Simonds Homes, was appointed as the builder.

Construction is due to commence in June. It is anticipated the townhouses will be completed in April 2011.