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MAB Advisory Board – introducing recent changes

MAB Advisory Board – introducing recent changes

The MAB Advisory Board has undergone some recent changes of appointment. Board representatives from MAB Corporation are Michael Buxton, Andrew Buxton, David Hall and Mick Brennan. We’d like to introduce you to the remaining Board members who provide advice to MAB with its strategic direction.

Simon Jones, Chairman of the Board
Simon founded Canterbury Partners, a boutique investment bank in 2002. He has an extensive business historywith Arthur Andersen’s audit and NM Rothschild’s Private Equity and is a Director of Computershare limited and Chairman of Melbourne IT Ltd.

  • Challenges – Debt and equity funding in a market where providers remain cautious and overexposed. Having the right stock available to meet specific market needs.
  • Opportunities – Being ready with appropriate stock for movementsin the cycle in both industrial and commercial sectors. MAB’s existing asset base and their reputation for creative solutions will place them in a competitive position as changes occur. Existing residential strength will continue to be valued

Peter Riley
This year Peter founded Alandal Consulting Pty Ltd a boutique firm advising high wealth families and their business arms after along career as a Senior Partner/Executive Director in the Tax Consulting Division of Pitcher Partners Melbourne.

  • Challenges – The major challenges for 2011 will be the uncertainty within the debt and capital market in the face of continued global economic uncertainty. Opportunities – The opportunities will be the re-emergence o
  • f the office and industrial sectors and the continued undersupply of residential properties subject to the slowing of Melbourne’s population growth. These are sectors where MAB’s high quality development skills will bring major opportunities.

Justin Ganly
Justin is Managing Director of Deep End Services, a property economics consultancy based in Melbourne but working on projects throughoutAustralia, New Zealand, Asia and the USA. He has previously worked at KPMG, Coopers & Lybrand and Andersen consulting as well as at Coles Myer.

  • Challenges – The slowing of Melbourne’s population growth after the unprecedented growth has implications for the residential sector.
  • Opportunities – If MAB enters/exits sectors at the right time there will be significant reward in these difficult times. In particular, an industrial market upturn is on its way after two bleak years and MAB is already well positioned in this market.