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MAB launched

Chief Operating Officer David Hall said the website plays a crucial role in MAB’s marketing and communications strategy.

“We are thrilled with the new look website,” said Mr Hall. “It addresses a number of business needs and speaks to a range of audiences.

“In some cases, the website may be our very first impression, so it needs to reflect our brand, reputation and history extremely well.”

The new site offers a range of new features and tools, including easy navigation, clean design and a handy property search function.

In addition, social marketing, email marketing and SMS are all linked to the website. The website is set to include a mobile version to remain compatible with iPhone and Blackberry handsets as well as iPad devices.

“We have a diverse business and a wide range of stakeholders, from government, financiers, suppliers and partners through to prospective purchasers, current customers and investors,” said Mr Hall. “The website is all encompassing.”