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MAB purchases industrial land holdings in Cranbourne West

Business Parks

MAB purchases industrial land holdings in Cranbourne West

MAB’s first foray into the east

MAB has recently acquired 20 hectares of land at 940 Thompsons Road, Cranbourne West, which forms part of the Cranbourne West Precinct Structure Plan.

Located in the City of Casey, Victoria’s most populous municipality, the Business 3 Zone land offers opportunities for research and development, commercialand industrial operations.

Richard Johnston, General Manager of Commercial & Industrial said, “One of MAB’s core beliefs is to provide employment opportunities close to where people live. The City of Casey is growing and only 26% of Casey’s working residents are employed within Casey – jobs are needed in this area.

“We believe this new site will provide local business and government the opportunity to build a new employment precinct.”

The Cranbourne West development will build on the success of MAB Business Parks throughout Melbourne. It now provides total market coverage for its customer base with business parks and commercial precincts in the North, West, South-East and inner Melbourne.

Richard Johnston confirmed, “MAB’s aim for this area is to build another high-quality business park for businesses to establish themselves in a professional environment close to home.”

The site is within close proximity to major transport routes being adjacent the Westernport Highway and less than 7km from both the EastLink and Monash Freeways.

“The site is strategically located and provides much needed supply to the local Cranbourne market and wider South-East market given its close proximity to existing road infrastructure and EastLink,” concluded Mr Johnston.

MAB will lodge a subdivision plan shortly to ensure we are market ready as soon as possible.

For more information contact
Nick Schofield on 0439 033 689
or email