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Merrifield features in Hume Economic Update


Merrifield features in Hume Economic Update

The March 2009 issue of the Hume Economic Update included a feature article on Merrifield, introducing a new era in urban development to Hume City.

Merrifield, an $8 billion development by MAB Corporation and Gibson Property Corporation, will become Victoria’s largest fully master-planned and integrated business and employment hub, situated 30 kilometres from the Melbourne CBD.

MAB Corporation’s General Manager Major Projects, David Hall, says the planning for Merrifield has been in the making for approximately four years.

“The vision for Merrifield is to transform over 1,000 hectares into a sustainable, mixed-use business and lifestyle community.

Merrifield is being planned to create jobs close to where people live and has the capacity for upwards of 30,000 jobs within the employment precinct, which will be supported by providing 10,000 dwellings to house up to 30,000 people.

It meets our goal of creating developments, or communities, that are essentially 24 hour cities, where people can work, live and play. We want people to choose to live here and choose to set up small businesses here, rather than commuting everyday”.

Merrifield Corporation has been a long time supporter of the Hume Economic Update and Hume Business Breakfast.