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New vision for Brompton Gasworks moves closer with on-site remediation preparation underway


New vision for Brompton Gasworks moves closer with on-site remediation preparation underway

MAB Corporation, in partnership with Renewal SA, has taken a significant step forward in the creation of a new master-planned community at the former Brompton Gasworks, with the construction of the largest remediation tent ever built in South Australia in preparation for on-site remediation works.

At an estimated $459 million in capital expenditure over the life of the project, MAB’s investment in the former Brompton Gasworks site makes this one of the most significant projects in the state.  The remediation works are required to enable MAB to deliver a new community with more than 800 new homes (including a target to deliver more than 15% affordable housing), a hotel, employment hub, retail offering and the restoration of landmark heritage structures.

Minister for Housing and Urban Development Nick Champion said, “MAB’s development provides for the additional supply of critical affordable housing, during a housing crisis, with the master planned village delivering extra retail and green space to the thriving Bowden Precinct.

“The start of remediation works is an exciting milestone as the project comes to life and for the hundreds of South Australians who will call it home.”

To ensure the 18-month remediation process is as contained as possible, MAB is utilising remediation tents – movable, structures that are large enough to cater for multiple earthmoving machines and trucks, enabling contractors to safely excavate the ground and treat the soil.

The biggest of the three remediation tents to be utilised on site is 100 metres long, 50 metres wide and 15 metres high. At 5,000m2 in total area, it is the largest enclosure ever constructed by MAB’s remediation works contractor Enviropacific.

The air within the enclosures is filtered through two 40 metre, multi-stage emission control systems and then expelled via 26-metre-high vents, minimising the impact of any odours for neighbouring residents.

The enclosures will move several times across the 5.8-hectare site through the phased remediation process.

“What people will see here is a best practice process that is being undertaken by experts with specific experience in remediating former gasworks sites, both in terms of the material that needs processing and the heritage that needs protecting.

“We will be following a detailed Construction Environmental Management Plan overseen by the Environment Protection Authority and we’re ensuring the community is kept informed at every step”, said MAB Project Director Chris Dickson.

Development of the first residential stages of the $459 million redevelopment will commence in 2025 following the conclusion of remediation and will include early delivery of approximately 5,000m2 of public open space. Once the master planned redevelopment is complete, more than 2200 residents will call the Gasworks home.

An average of 190 South Australian construction jobs will be supported per year over the 12-year development cycle with an expected 310 jobs on site during the peak of the development.