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Out & about – MAB in the community


Out & about – MAB in the community

The team at MAB Corporation is an active group, with a strong culture of participating in a range of community and sporting activities.

This year, Chief Operating Officer David Hall participated in the third Victorian Vinnies CEO Sleepout held at Etihad Stadium. While the weather on the night was particularly punishing, Mr Hall said that the stories from homeless Victorians had the greatest impact. “It was quite a confronting experience and one that resonated with the whole team,” said Mr Hall.

In addition, the team has volunteered their time to assist a number of charitable organisations including the Property Industry Foundation Wrap Night for its Winter Woollies Campaign where the team donated and wrapped winter socks, scarves and other merchandise to be distributed to youth living on the streets.

MAB staff have also participated in a wide range of sporting events including the Herald Sun Run for Kids, BRW Triathlon and Medibank Melbourne Marathon Festival.

On a lighter note, the organisation’s sport and recreation committee has also coordinated several social activities for the team to enjoy ranging from cooking classes, wine and cheese nights to canoeing at Docklands.

“We work hard during the working week but also like to remain active and contribute to our local communities outside of work,” said Mr Hall. “I am proud of the team’s commitment.”