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The Shea Family – A Merrifield Living Purchaser Profile


The Shea Family – A Merrifield Living Purchaser Profile

We spoke to Robyn Shea and her husband Jeff about their recent purchase at Merrifield  and how their decision inspired daughter Emily to also join the Merrifield community.

Q: Why did you choose Merrifield over other developments in the area?

We purchased at Merrifield as its location, which is only a short drive to the Hume Freeway, provides easy access to the city and surrounding areas. We’ll be only 30mins to the CBD from Donnybrook Rd so we are within easy reach of the city. Merrifield offers great value for money too! We also love the idea of being close to the freeway as we are looking at downsizing from Epping and retiring at Merrifield. We can hook up our caravan and be on the freeway in minutes as we head off on our future travels around Australia.

Q: What size block did you purchase and what will you be building? Who is your builder?

We purchased a 312m² block and are looking at building a single story home, (around 20 squares) with Dennis Family Homes.

Q: Tell us a bit about yourselves

I am a department leader at a resource recovery company and my husband Jeff is a truck driver. Our children Aaron and Emily work in a government department. Our family loves travelling and enjoying the great outdoors. We are a very close knit family and we love being together, hence the reason why my daughter also purchased land at Merrifield (pretty much across the road from my husband and I!). It will also come in handy when we travel around Australia as Emily can look after the house whilst we are away (ha)!

Q: Your daughter has also purchased at Merrifield – why did you recommend this to her and what drew her to purchase at Merrifield?

Emily has already bought an investment property in Epping and was looking at purchasing land to build her own house. Merrifield was affordable, has easy access to the city and is in close proximity to the shops. Overall it really appealed to her needs!