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A blistering start at Alliance – Minister Guy turns the first sod

Business Parks

A blistering start at Alliance – Minister Guy turns the first sod

Victorian Planning Minister Matthew Guy turned the first sod at Alliance Business Park recently, signalling the official launch of the development.

 MAB Chief Operating Officer David Hall said the team was delighted to welcome Minister Guy to Alliance.

 â€œThe Victorian Government is a strong supporter of job creation and delivering jobs close to home,” said Mr Hall. “We are committed to the ongoing delivery of commercial and industrial projects that foster growth and boost a local economy.”

Mr Hall said that the strong vision from the City of Whittlesea to develop the Cooper Street Employment Precinct has provided a strong foundation for Epping to become an employment hub.

The response to Alliance Business Park has been impressive with more than 80 per cent of lots already sold in stage one.

MAB Corporation announced the 64-hectare Epping development in late 2012 and has been overwhelmed by the response from the market.

MAB General Manager Commercial and Industrial Richard Johnston said businesses have acted quickly to secure land at the leading development.

“The sales rate highlights the growing demand for industrial land in the northern corridor,” said Mr Johnston. “There is definitely a shortage of prime land so lots are selling fast.”

The $80 million development has attracted strong interest from both developers and owner occupiers, including local businesses and the manufacturing sector.

“The location has huge appeal,” said Mr Johnston. “Alliance is located within the City of Whittlesea’s Cooper Street Employment Precinct, with Cooper Street, Epping Plaza and the Northern Hospital nearby.

Lots range in size from 1,100m² to 6,044m² with the ability to cater for larger requirements of 25,000m² and above. Prices start at $297,000 plus GST.

Construction is expected to commence next month with the first stage completed by the end of 2013.